Sunday, February 14, 2010

10,000 Questions and Answers

Examples of Questions:

1 Which animal(s) can run faster uphill (one of two)
2 Antifreeze often contains what common food item
3 Who invented the word battery
4 What makes popcorn pop
5 What is a willie-willie in Australia
6 What is the name for the sound a deer makes
7 What's the full name of the computer language FORTRAN
8 Which cartoon characters first boyfriend was Ham Gravy
9 A nervous kangaroo licks what part of it's body
10 Terra is the astronomical name for Earth what is it for the moon
11 In which European capitol city is a cannon fired at 1.00 pm daily
12 Who introduced the wobble board as a musical instrument
13 What did escaping convicts drop to put dogs off the scent
14 Name the first man made object to break the sound barrier
15 Mintonette was the original name of what sport in 1891
16 In Bewitched what did dopey Aunt Clara collect
17 What is the most unusual ingredient in most lipsticks
18 What is the plural of opus
19 Who was the first golfer to hit a ball over 400 yards with a 7 iron
20 A C-Curity was the original name of what common object
21 What were Twinkletoes - Lucky Jim (stuffed cats) first to do
22 The Detours changed to The High Numbers then what name
23 What did the Victorians call servant regulators
24 What links a bick, throat, half swage, punching hole
25 What was Walt Disney's first cartoon character
26 Hugh Lofting created which famous character
27 What ingredient must French ice cream contain by law
28 What is the commonest symbol on flags of the world
29 Oology is the study of what
30 Who make more cars than Ford Chrysler Buick Chevrolet
31 What does a ~censored~ play with
32 Why were women barred from original Olympic Games
33 In what town was Leonardo Da Vinci born
34 What countries international car registration letters are DZ
35 What was unusual about the Gossamer Albatross aeroplane
36 A nudist is Spain fined ?65 - ?60 for being nude and ?5 for what
37 Viscum Album provides an excuse for stealing what
38 How did Marc Quinquadron die while setting a new world record
39 What is the most common disease in the world
40 Who got Judas job as the twelfth apostle
41 Why would women dislike using a West Indian Dildo
42 What occurs more in September December than any month
43 The Thunderbirds boys were named after what theme
44 What was banned from New York schools in 1962
45 What did drinkers first see on Jan 24 1935
46 In which sport would you find the Sag Wagon
47 What is the only bone in the body unattached to any other bone
48 What is a spermologer interested in
49 In Queensland Australia pubs must still have what
50 What is the most consumed fruit in the USA
and more.................
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