Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BulletProofSoft Data Shredder v2.1.0.0

BPS Data Shredder TM How secure is your Recycle Bin? You shred your confidential paper documents, but are you as careful when disposing of confidential electronic documents from your computer? You need BPS Data Shredder. Deleting or moving a file in the recycle bin does not remove the file contents from the hard disk - it just removes the file name from the directory, leaving the data intact and vulnerable. What you threw away can be recovered by anyone with access to your computer - your roommate, a business associate, the thief who just emptied out your office. Don't risk throwing private and confidential data in the recycle bin - securely delete it with BPS Data Shredder.

BPS Data Shredder for Windows provides an easy, permanent way to securely delete files, folders and disk free space. BPS Data Shredder is an easy to use 'drag and drop' application. The 'confirm before shredding' feature allows you to require confirmation before shredding to give you the opportunity to cancel before you've shredded an item. This is important since the item is not recoverable once it has been shredded. Key features include: This tool is integrated with the Windows shell and you can directly start shredding by right-click on the selected folders/files and selecting 'File Shredder' from Windows explorer, an easy to use 'drag and drop' interface, the option to shred shred files, folders, disk free space; the 'Confirm before shred' feature, a configurable overwrite pattern and number of overwrites by using sophisticated overwriting algorithms which obliterate latent data on your hard disk, making your deleted files irrecoverable, even by expensive equipment, a Scheduler and live update to keep upto date with the latest releases, Shred Recycle bin, BPS Data Shredder lets you permanently remove files and folders from your system easily without the possibility of data recovery

Why do you need a File Shredder?
Windows does not physically remove deleted files from your hard disk. Emptying your Recycle Bin does NOT protect you at all. Your sensitive files can be recovered, even after you format your hard disk! When you delete a file from Windows, Windows just mark the file as deleted in file allocation table, but the data of the file is still in your hard disk, there are many tools available which can let others easily recover your sensitive files even you format your hard disk.
BPS Data Shredder achieves a secure deletion of your sensitive data by overwriting the file (many times) before deleting it, and then destroying the File Allocation Table cluster number and size information for that file, and more!. with Just one click of a mouse.
Friendly interface allows to perform the following operations:
Shred Files
Shred Folders
Shred Empty Drive Space
Shred recycle Bin
Can be Scheduled.
Live Update.
Registered users get at least 1 year of free upgrades.



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